Hi, I am Helen.
I'm a Derbyshire based Nutrition and Lifestyle Coach, as well as an NHS Health and Wellbeing Coach. I work for the NHS 4 days a week working with patients with long term conditions to help with their health goals.
We work together to make small changes to various aspects of lifestyle and wellbeing.
The aim is to increase confidence and motivation to manage their long term condition, as well as identifying and adapting habits which don't have the best health outcomes.
While there are some similarities to my work with the NHS, my Nutrition and Lifestyle Coaching focuses much more on nutritional analysis, meal planning, recipes and supplement recommendations. As everybody is different we work together to give you a personalised plan.
I changed career during the start of the pandemic, when I was made redundant from the pharmaceutical industry after 16 years in various roles. I have worked alongside many healthcare professionals and understand the pressure they are under and sometimes their frustrations with the system. As I began to understand more about how the body works, and how we can influence our health through nutrition, I became disillusioned with the pharmaceutical industry, yes it has its place, of course. But is a pill just helping reduce symptoms? It's not addressing the cause of the symptoms.
We know that prevention is better then the cure, and if I can help be part of that by helping you, then i'm all in.
I'm really passionate about nutrition and health, I was the first health coach to attend the RCGP accredited Prescribing Lifestyle Medicine course. Since that first course I have completed many more, the next, I hope to be an MSc in Clinical Nutrition, to become a registered Nutritionist. Watch this space!
I love what I do, but by far my most important role is being a mum to my beautiful daughters, Tilly and Edie, and my step son, Arthur.
I find getting the balance right between work, being a mum, and looking after yourself really hard. I know it's not just me, through my experience, I hear women tell me that they put themselves last all the time.
I have worked hard to achieve a better balance, it's not always easy, and not something I always great right.
My focus is on better nutrition, moving more, getting quality sleep, and keeping stress levels manageable.
Trying to change everything in our lives all at once can often be overwhelming, if not impossible! It is for this reason that I believe small, consistent changes over time are key to making long-last habits.
Let me help you make it happen.